Mike Reeds’ name is still synonymous with Film and Video Post Production, having worked as a TV commercial editor for well over 45 years, running one of the most successful and renowned post houses in Australia. Many “metal” awards were gained in editing and he was inducted into the F.A.C.T.S Hall of fame, “The Most Creative Contribution” twice by the Melbourne Art Directors club and MADC Life Membership. Also gained the ASE accreditation as an Australian Screen Editor.
But when not chasing horrendous deadlines, he was out capturing the world around him, by grain and (now pixel) during the short infrequent breaks in the torrent of brain numbing schedules. Now retired, photography is number one priority for his expression and creativity.
Storytelling has been paramount in all his commercial life, then in minutes and seconds, but now single frames. Mike always seeks the humour or odd twist and from “outside the square” seeking and trawling for the quirky, double meaning, juxtaposed oddities of life around him. He travels widely, but always includes the back streets, the low roads and uncommon grounds. Mike has been rigorously exploring, producing and exhibiting his work for nearly a decade. He shoots and exhibits with AASPI (Aust. Assoc. of Street Photographers), MAP Group (Many Australian Photographers) and the Image Chasers. Also he teams up with Melbourne Book Collective to further his bookmaking.
His book from his earlier solo exhibition at the Colour Factory on “Shrouds “ explores the ‘rebirth’ and the covered car and is in the National Library Canberra as his other book which was recorded in Perth, a photo essay based on a Gina Reinhart’s Doggerel which precipitated into his book “Our Future (sic) ”.
He has exhibited and worked with the Image Chasers including “The Gleaners” at Queen Vic Market and “3065 “ both exhibited at the Brunswick Street Gallery. Within the Fitzroy postcode 3065 boundaries, Mike shot over 600 portraits of the local residents and shop keepers /traders that make this eclectic Bohemia and displayed on a 4 metre frame with small 6 x4 prints
He has successfully finished two books and an exhibition “3000 Streets” from quirky funny stuff from the streets over the years of tramping the pavements. The 3000 streets was delayed 3 times with co-vid lockdowns but finally received glowing responses.
The second book “Interrobang” was made from the offcut paper on the main book.
Currently Mike is curating a show with 21 Artists from the Advertising world they have also retired from. These highly successful and talented art directors, writers and photographers have continued their creative passion in each their own medium of expression This is booked at 45 downstairs for October
Mike is preparing for another solo exhibition in May 2022 “ROADWORKS AHEAD” which entails graphical studies of road surfaces around the world. Print selection has been done and now the task of a book which will be a different beast than ever before!?
Recently he has been selected a landscape finalist in CLIP awards in Perth and 2020 Most Humour Award at CCP and again same in 2013. Mike continues throughout to work on various visual ideas and book projects.
Last September 2020 a work was selected by the Editor of “Life Framers” in their 'Street Life' theme, with editor commenting on the 'humorous visual narrative that Mike conjures through sharp timing and a clean composition'